Presentations from the seminar in Tromsø, Norway

Photo: Wilhelm Solheim/Nofima
March 2nd 2017 a short seminar was held in Tromsø, Norway. During the seminar the scientists gave a brief overview over the current status of the NPA Smart-Fish research project.
Project manager Ragnheidur L. Thorarinsdottir from The University of Iceland gave a short introduction about the project.
Scientists Harri Määtä and Henry Hinkula from The Oulu University of Applied Science talked about the technology behind the smart labels produced with print technology.
Scientist Birgitte Moen from Nofima talked about the smart label system and microbial analyses.
The seminar was visited by representatives from The Norwegian Seafood Council, The Norwegian Seafood Research Fund (FHF) and The Troms Chamber of Commerce.
Presentations in PDF format
- Ragnheidur L. Thorinsdotter Workpackage 1: Brief overview
- Harri Määtä Workpackage 4: The Technology
- Henry Hinkula Workpackage 5: Telecommunications
- Birgitte Moen Workpackage 6: Microbial analyses