
Testing of the Smartfish sensors
Recently scientists from Oulu University of Applied Sciences in Finland and Nofima in Norway performed a test of…

Smartfish nominated for The Atlantic Project Awards
Seventeen candidates including the NPA Smartfish-project were nominated for The Atlantic Project Awards 2017. All candidates demonstrated elements of…

Smartfish-presentation during AE2017
Project manager Ragnheidur I. Thorarinsdottir from University of Iceland presented the NPA Smartfish project during the Aquaculture Europe…

Presentation from the Blue Opportunities conference 2017
Project manager Ragnheiður Inga Þórarinsdóttir held a presentation about the status of the Smart-Fish research project during the…

Presentations from the seminar in Tromsø, Norway
March 2nd 2017 a short seminar was held in Tromsø, Norway. During the seminar the scientists gave a…

Scientists visiting Aquaculture farm in Northern Norway
Scientists from Iceland, Finland and Norway working with the NPA Smart-Fish research project visited Lerøy Aurora’s aquaculture farm…

Visit to Scottish Sea Farms in South Shian, Scotland
The scientists involved in the NPA Smart-Fish research project visited The Scottish Sea Farms Harvest Station and Processing…

Seminar in Aviemore in Scotland
A seminar about the NPA Smart-Fish project was organised during the UK Aquaculture Exhibition in Aviemore in Scotland,…

Numerous industrial partners
It is important for Smart-Fish to have the best possible insight into the needs of the industrial partners.For…

NPA-conference in Kuopio
Antti Haapalahti from Oulu University of Applied Science and Ragnheidur Thorarinsdottur from University of Iceland participated in the…

Smart-Fish launched at a press meeting
The Smart-Fish project was launched in front of Norwegian and international media during Aqua-Nor in Trondheim on 19…

Kick-off workshop in Reykjavik
The participants in the NPA Smart-Fish research project gathered in Reykjavik, Iceland in May 2015 for the project…