Numerous industrial partners

It is important for Smart-Fish to have the best possible insight into the needs of the industrial partners.For this reason, the presentation and tour of the Hätälä factory in Oulu in Finland was particularly enlightening for the scientists from Scotland, Iceland, Norway and Finland.
A visit to the operations at Hätälä had been arranged in association with the working meeting in Oulu Finland on 28 September. Managing director Riku Isohätälä informed the visitors about the history of the company, its growth and future plans. Production manager Jari Jääskeläinen subsequently took the scientists on a guided tour of the factory, with production in full operation.
“This was beneficial for us, and it’s also important that Jari Jääskeläinen participates in the working meetings, such that we can guide the project in the right direction,” says Senior scientist Roy Robertsen of Nofima.
Robertsen has visited several Norwegian production facilities, but has never previously visited Hätälä.
Hätälä is Finland’s largest company for the processing of fish-based products, employing 300 people during the busy time of the year. The factory works several shifts, seven days a week.
The Working Committee of the Smart-Fish project meets twice a year and consists of the work package leaders and a participant from Hätälä, representing the industrial partners.
NPA Smart-Fish
NPA Smart-Fish is a research project which is developing smart labels using print technology. Using this technology fish can be monitored from the moment they are caught until served at the dinner table.
Researchers from Oulu University of Applied Science in Finland, Ardtoe in Scotland, University of Iceland and the food research institute Nofima in Norway are collaborating in the project, which is financed by the European Union.
Written by: Morgan Lillegård